tender x-ray spectrometer
single-shot diagnostics at 2 to 4 keV
backscattering mode for online beam characterization
XES mode for investigating material samples
energy resolution of 0.3eV
compact and mobile device
The TXS spectrometer enables accurate photon diagnostics at HHG beamlines, X-ray free-electron lasers, and table-top X-ray lasers. Photon energies between 2 keV and 4 keV can be measured in single-shot.
In von Hamos geometry with high-efficiency backscattering, the X-ray spectrum is fingerprinted for online beam characterization. The transmitted beam remains undisturbed with >90% transmission for further use in experiments.
By simply exchanging the backscattering probe with a material sample, the hardLIGHT TXS is made ready for X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES). The tender X-ray range provides sensitive access to the chemical state of many materials, e.g. investigations of sulfur at 2keV allow for important insights for battery research.
Customized derivatives of the TXS spectrometer are also available. Contact us to discuss your application.
photon diagnostics at HHG beamlines,
X-ray free-electron lasers, table-top X-ray lasers -
in-situ XES measurements