Customized X-ray spectroscopy solutions
versatile x-ray instrumentation in the 1-20keV range
long-time XAS expertise in design and application
extensive MC simulations for system optimization
collaborative project methodology
Aside from the portfolio of standard spectrometers, HP spectroscopy is able to cover a wide range of specific x-ray spectroscopy applications. Custom spectrometers available include:
table-top x-ray spectrometers
Appropriate selection of system architecture
(von Hamos, Johann, or Johansson) ensures best resolution (0.5-1.5eV) and efficiency in the energy range 1 to 12keV. Crystal choices include diced / segmented types
Bragg/Laue x-ray spectrometer
Multi-purpose instrument for XAS in the 7 to 19keV energy range. Energy bandwidth >350eV, energy resolution 1eV
combined crystal/multilayer spectrometer
Wide-band energy range 0.1 to 12keV by means of crystals and multilayer mirrors as integrated diffractive elements
tokamak diagnostics
X-ray plasma spectroscopy on a tokamak port on the iron-line emission at 6.7keV (Fe XXV) with 0.1eV resolution
Monte Carlo simulations
Thorough system simulation is key for optimum performance. Calculations consider any type and distribution of source, any geometry and detector (0D, 1D, 2D). Resulting detector image and X-ray spectrum give a direct estimate of energy resolution and efficiency
Collaborative customization projects
Our approach to specific instrument development is customer-centric. We make sure we understand your experiment and your requirements first to clearly define specifications. Over the course of the project, milestones and thorough design reviews are installed. This gives you full transparency over the project status and full control over instrument design and materials.
We are eager to expand horizons together. Contact us to discuss your spectroscopy application.